The Top Regrets The book ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’ by Bronnie Ware is one I return to often. Many of you are likely to have heard me quote from it in my writing, talks and client sessions. One of the five common regrets of the dying identified by Ware from her time...Read More
I can’t be bothered Do you ever feel like this? Do you find yourself wanting to curl up instead of following through with what you’ve planned or need to do? Perhaps when: you’ve planned to go for a walk and it’s wet and windy outdoors you have paperwork or your annual tax return to do ...Read More
The Power of Purpose A key theme of Viktor E Frankl’s classic book Mans Search for Meaning is the importance of purpose in our lives. A psychiatrist and holocaust survivor, Frankl was a long-time prisoner in the Nazi Concentration camps. Frankl and his fellow prisoners lived under barbaric conditions of daily torture, near starvation and...Read More